
Saturday, August 23, 2008

I feel betrayed

    Hi guys  I  would love to have typed that  my turning over a new  leaf  in  school this  year is going great  but  it is not

 Let me start off  by saying Monday through  Thursday    started off  great.  I was playing golf  and  writing two  essays   ( that is 11 grade  for you)   seems  good  right wrong.

 There  is  a new kid at school that is  my grade. He is  in my chemistry class  and  I thought  he make a great friend . Well I learned that he  is popular and   thus      the kids  proubly told  him to forget about me.

 Well I diced to tell him about my social stadus in  a  blunt  way  yesterday and he  said he still  wanted to be my friend. All went well  until the end of science  class. As I was packing up   I heard  my teacher say  "They  tolerate her   and help  her   but she is a great kid."      He only said this  because   I was listening  in  on stuff they were saying    behind my back,

 I  can't  believe what happened   might I remind you that this is the same teacher that I had  last year   who was nice  and helped me  out last year. He  diced to   tell the new kid (who he knew I was  trying to make  friends  with) to  Tolerate me  instead of  Aceapt  me,  He  made  a big stink  earlier  that he was going to treat me  like any other  student  but then to  say   others tolerates me   come  on  he really     wait the  post dosen't  end there  when I asked him  what he meant   he  his  kid felt  unconformable  to  me  because  he  never met a  girl like me  before,  what      When I confronted him     he said  the teacher  brought me  up  and the  teacher won't tell me the whole stroy .My mom emailed  him when I literary came home in tears 

 Ms  A is not back this year  and the Autism  class is not at my school anymore   thus I  have no where   to  go and no one to hang out with. Please keep  my family in  mind  over the weekend  because  my ocd is acting  up  from  my math  class.  I have not had a day as bad  as that one  since night  grade  just before   i got OCD 


  1. Oh AZ, I wish I lived near you. You are such an amazing person, and I would love to be friends with you. Just keep your chin up. I don't really know what else to say, but keep your chin up.

  2. I'm so sorry AZ. That stinks!!! Just remember that you are a great wonderful person!

    We'll have to see about a trip to San Antonio as the time get closer. SA is 5 hr drive for us but my husband has family there. Maybe we could work it out.

  3. Unfortunately teachers are human, too and some can do some dumb things. I am sorry you were hurt. I'll be thinking of you and hopeing things get better. Hang in there!

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  5. I am so sorry to hear what happened at school!

    You are an amazing person - please don't let this bad day get you down. You just keep spreading your wonderful love and fantastic spirit. The world needs you. :)


  6. I remember my chemistry class in high school. I was having difficulty manipulating and figuring out how to use lab equiptment and all people in my group did was make rude comments and refuse to answer me. I did have a few friends in AP english. That class was a good experience because it was smaller and I did well in it. I wonder if your AP history class would be a good place to find some people to talk to. The overt teasing stopped when I hit university but I still have occasional incidents where people talk about me behind my back etc. I wish you the best of luck with high school. Junior high and high school were the worst years for me and then things got better.


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