
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Favorite final flashback

  Hi guys just a  mid week up date  I am  in  finals     which end on friday .   I was  going to  do WW  but since it is  almost too late for that I am going to post my faverite final memory  which  thanks too dad  never  deleting his  email  is still intact so      Enjoy  this memory that  have  only done  once  Bold  name  are  changed  for privact

  December 4 2006 15 years old and a freshmen (ninth  grader  in  high school)
I am writing to congratulate AZ on an exceptional Spanish oral interview. She spoke accurately, appropriately and with a good accent. She understood all of my questions, and literally did not make ANY mistakes in speaking! This is both unusual and impressive- not many students  earn a 100% score on the oral interview, and she certainly earned it! She should be proud of herself for her focus, hard work and strong intellect. As usual, she is kind, a great participator, helper (to me and classmates) and listener in Spanish class. !Felicitaciones  AZ!

 hopefully I will ace  more finals  in the near future 

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