
Monday, October 26, 2009

Book excert again

last year when I posted this no one commented so hopefully this year will be different.

posted 10/29/08

The Invisible teens is about six middle school students who have disabilities/ Alexis Bounding is the character that has a lot of my personalty in it, She Has mild Cp and has NLD as well. This excerpt will help u get to know Alexis Bounding more I hope y like it.
Do Not Not Copy without my permission ( I am a reasonable girl all y need to do is ask and include the link to my blog
The bell rang and the teacher came inside with the girl who dropped off her brother and introduced herself again took the morning role and handed out a packet of papers. Among them was a syllabus of the class, a list of required mar tiles we would need for herProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

lass, a concert sheet that she used
to keep in touch with our parents or guardians and a homework colander that we get every Monday for the remainder of the year . “Okay guys now I want to see if you guys studied for the capitals this summer,” Ms Cronic said. “Now what we will do is start here,” Ms .Cronic pointed to the desk on next to mine. “When I point at you introduce yourself and then recite the state’s name and its capitol.”
The boy beside me said ”My name is Joel Anderson. The started Ms.Cronic is pointing to is Nevada and its capitol is Carson City”.
“Your turn,” she says to me.
“I’m Alixes Bounding. The state Ms.Cronic is pointing to is Alaska and its capitol is Juneau.”
“What” she said. The whole class energy was on me it was if my cell phone had went off in the middle of class.
“My name is Alixes Bounding. The state Ms.Cronic is pointing to is Alaska and its capitol is Juneau.”
“Alyssa whets the state’s.”
“My name is Alixes not Alyssa”
“Alixes “ she said looking at the seating chart.
“ My name is Alixes Bounding. The state Ms.Cronic is pointing to is Alaska and its capitol is Juneau.”
“No not Shasta” I saw two girls whispering and could bet you it was about me. I knew the state’s name . The teacher was mocking me by saying things that was anything but the state’s name. I wanted out of the chair away from this mortification.

“Alaska Alaska,” I said
hoping someone would understand me .
“I’ll help you out the state’s name is Alaska . What’s the capitol?” Ms.Cronic said.
“I know it’s Alaska and the capitol is Juneau,” I said.
“Jupiter” said the teacher, ”sorry honey that’s a name of a planet”. Looking at Joel Anderson I could tell he was trying hard not to laugh. When I did this he began to giggle and so did a fewer others.
“Juneau,” said one of my classmates. I turn around to see a girl blond hair and hazel eyes whose t- shirt said born to play Soccer written in bubble letter the girk who droped off her brother
“Vary good . The capitol of Alaska is. ” said Ms. Cronic.
“ Jupiter” said Joel Anderson. The giggling that had continued picked up the rest of the class except for the girl, the teacher
“Hay that’s not funny,” said Ms. Cronic, “everybody makes mistakes. Alixes just got confused that’s all. Now who is next .”


  1. Sounds like a realistic depiction of a student with a speech difficulty and the frustration they would experience.
    I've done a lot of creative writing about the school experiences of individuals with disabilities. It's therapeuric and helps you get your thoughts out. It is also good to share these with others because it's sometimes eaiser to express your own feelings through a third-party character than as yourself.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I sometimes get confused with my capitals, too!

    Someone asked me what the capital of Alaska was and I said "Fairbank". (it is probably the largest city in that State).

    Very well written, you established the character of Alexis well, and I liked the confusion.

    And Joel Anderson: does he come from the Paula Danziger book The cat ate my gymsuit?

    "Juneau": "Jupiter".

    There is a woman in the newspaper whose mother left school because of a speech difficulty and she worked in a button factory. This was before the mass accomodation of people with disabilities we have now.

    I think the story keeps up the spirit of the blog: I have more abilities than disabilities.

  3. wow, that sucked so bad. man you should stop writing such horrible books. write about something that actually matters. jeez.


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