
Saturday, October 31, 2009

An quiet street

 Tonight is Halloween.  A night for  kids to go  trick or treating. Well not in our  Neighborhood we have only one   kid as indiana jones . i am bummed  I love little kids and  when they dress up it is soo cute. How about you guys   how  has  Halloween  been  for  you  in your Neghborhood.

oh  well  happy Halloween  everyone  from   AZ and her family 

sorry i have not been around. I am failing  2 classes and  feeling bummed i have lots to tell you so  stick  around  

1 comment:

  1. We got about 65 kids at our house (more than we've ever had before because we just moved to a new neighborhood last December with more kids). However, other people say that it is a low number of kids for this neighborhood. Probably due to all the hype over H1N1.


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