
Thursday, December 31, 2009


first off I want to say Happy new year things around here have been hard ocd/anixety wise but enough with that today is the last day of 2009 which means one last chance for me to look back on this year. lets get started

January 2009:Obama became president I went to my local special olympics youth summit

February 2009: I made home made cookies for a Spanish project and found out I had a secret admire at school

March 2009: learned about CP awareness day

April 2009: won honorable mention for Dare to dream big poem pics and video coming soon

May 2009 : Took the US AP history test , Book gal turned 16, Princess finished her first year of high school while I finished my Junior year

June 2009 : I went to golf camp and a mid evil party, Mom and my two sisters went to Washington DC

July 2009: Saw fireworks from the top of dad's car , was a CIT at the JCC, went to Bike Camp and learned how to ride a two wheeler and made a ton of friends, Mom and my sisters went to Las Vegas.

August 2009: went to the monetary bay aquarium, Princess turned 16 Went with C and R to the SF Zoo right before starting senior year

September 2009 I turned 17 18

Octorber 2009:helped out at the special olympics young athlete day and met J Mac and coach Jim Johnson ( this has to be my favorite memory of 2009)

November 2009: My grandma came to visit from texas and we went to the California Academy of Science

December 2009: Celebrated christmas and played way to much wii

now for the annual New years resolutions as well

first reviewing from 2009 list

1More independent. Make my own lunch for school clean my room stay organize and do laundry once a week Happy Mom somewhat compleated

2 Stop talking to myself / yeah it's a bad habit that i need to break I do not want to be doing this in collage ( This is probably the hardest one on the list ) need to work on this

3Keep room somewhat organized not much has changed

4 Mange my homework time better ( You might not see post around here that much )

5 Learn how to drive got my permit and am taking driving lessons if my ocd settles out. last lesson was in November

Ok so 2.5./5 F aww man

new years resolutions for 2010
1 More independent ( this includes OCD progress)
2 respect others better
4 finnish editing my books and keep writing more Nick Adventure stories
5 post at least 15 times per month


  1. you sure had a full 2009! happy new year and a great 2010 to you!

  2. The J-Mac memory must have been a special one (probably the highlight!), along with the secret admirer and finding out about Cerebral Palsy awareness day.

    Oh, and your 18th birthday!

    I think I first discovered you in August/September of 2009. It's been a great year if a hard one.

    Respecting others is a good resolution, I think.

    15 times a month sounds reasonable. Perhaps it would be good to prepare your blogs with outlines and also auto-post sometimes.

    I loved your post about Words do hurt, and the stories you've been writing. Hope you can write some more stories.

  3. What a great re-cap of your year! You are an amazing young lady!

    My daughter talks to herself too...interesting! Is that a NVLD thing??

    What is your favorite Wii game? My Taylor likes any of the Mario games!

  4. I don't know a single person who hasn't talked to herself at least once.

    (And I count myself in that number).

    I don't see why it's any less 'normal' than talking to other people or with other people.

    (But then again it could be privilege).

    Having said that, it's probably after college/university that you might hit problems with it.

    Why talking to yourself might be the highest form of intelligence

    Marie Russell's Reflections from InnerSelf

  5. 2009 was a pretty good year. You forgot to mention that you got your first college acceptance to Cal State East Bay. We are proud of you and will continue to support you and marvel at your accomplishments.
    Love Mom,

  6. Good luck on all your resolutions.
    Happy New Years


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