
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Words do hurt part two

Tuesday December 1 2009 time second period in a high school class room Mr_______ (a special ed teacher) and the students of the class including AZ.
AZ: Aww Mr.___ why did u have to put in 0 for this chapter .( I had to work three days to finish a worksheet)I now had 25 and my mom yelled at me.
Mr.___: You earned it AZ you say you will do it and never do
the other students are inside the classroom now. Mr.___ is about to give a lecture
Mr.___: Who says we need so more troops all we have to do is send AZ and the Iraqis will heProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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she is coming and run away,
Mr. ____ is a special Education teacher who made fun of me. it is nor funny to me. Mr.B knows I do not have lots of friends and by caking a joke he is making a emphasis on this fact and that I should be avoided . When I was in third grade i remember being called Ronzilla and people running away from me. Ir was coined by a boy who made fun of my speech kids would call it and run away from me on the playground. Did Mr________ know this on Tuesday when he told the joke no but he still should not have done it should he?
stay posted for how it turns out I tried to talk to Mr.____ but could not. For anyone who dose know me in real life I am really interested in what you have to say.


  1. Reminds me of the Ladder of Prejudice, which was raised on another blog today.

    (During the International Day of People with Disabilities too! That would have been an incentive to watch your tongue!)

    First step is SPEECH.

    Second step is AVOIDANCE.

    Third step is DISCRIMINATION.

    And the fifth and final step is EXTERMINATION.

    Which is what he was implying by making that joke about the Iraqis and you.

    Some teachers might justify it by saying it makes you part of the class, like everyone else, but that is not true. I had a sarcastic teacher in one year. It was dreadful when my friends and I were picked on.

    Would love to read about how you talked to the teacher.

  2. I had one junior high teacher who allowed students to perform a sexually explicit play they made up about my brother and me in front of the class.

    I had another teacher who said to my my parents that the "peer pressure" of bullying would make me normal.

    These are only a few examples.

    Unfortunately, abuse of those who are different in any way is still accepted in society. I was reading a textbook article today (not disability related, but it shocked me) about classmates who tried to seriously injure a gay student in the Southern U.S.

    In other news, you might be interested in my recent post on my experiences with NLD. In my case, it affects me more in spatial navigation and motor situations than in academic situations. I still often need extra instruction to comprehend complex visual material though.

    My post is at:

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  4. That breaks my heart to hear what you had to go through. I know people are mean to my daughter too. Just know that you are an amazing, talented girl. Some adults are such jerks! I have so much respect for you!!!!


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