
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy 101

So sarah from Class of 2008 put a happyness award for ten people to grab so i will be one of the ones who grab it.
here all the rules
The Happy 101 Blog Award Rules are as follows: List 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day

ten things that make me happy

1 Disney songs
2 Basketball
3 Mr T
4 reading hard ' AP books '
5 when my art work comes out in ceramics ceramics.
6 New comments from blog readers
5 Playing UNO
7 being around people who accept me for who I am and do not try to treat me differently.
8 helping out at soccer for my high school before the games
9 being ball girl for my high school basketball team
10 las but not least watching table for 12 and hanging out with my family and dog
ten bloggers
1 Ellen Max, Sabina,Dave and the color purple from to the max
2 Jacquelyn Grace Sophie mack from Liek triplets
3 Monic, John Michael and siblings from Monkey musings
4 Lesle and Katie from Katie's conner
5 Hiedi and Junior from Juniors journey
6 Michelle Kayla Lucas and Joe from big blueberry eyes
7 Jan Nash and Seger from Muzy Musings
8 Crystal and malea from one more then one
9 Laura from touched by an alien: life as I know it
10 Deb peanut ma and diva from three weddings
be happy everyone


  1. Thanks for tagging me, AZ--this will be fun! I love reading your list of what makes you happy!

    I've been busy with work lately and haven't been able to keep up with the blogs as much as I'd like to, but I enjoyed reading your latest updates and seeing what you've been up to. You've been busy! I hope school is going well for you. You are an amazing young lady!

  2. Thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate you including us. I'll try to get to this soon. :-) I like your list of 10.

  3. All sound fun to me.

    Table for 12-- I like that show. I just started watching it a few months ago though.

    Have a good week.

  4. Aw, AZ, thank you. I am glad Max's obsession with the color purple has been making you happy, too!!!

  5. oh thanks for passing this on to me! I need to remember to do this SOON!


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