
Monday, January 18, 2010

A Princess party

Or  not    .Tomarrow is  my annual  IEP.  Thanks  to  my wonderfull behavor and great  grades (so not the case)   the IEP  will  go  nicely.

 I am so  nevous.     I think  my  self  esteem  will be going  down  tomarrow  morning and  I will be  more nevous then  I am already am ( if  that  is  even possible)  for life after  high school.

  The  bad thing  is I   touched the fire  sota  speak last Thursday so  it  was  too  late  for this IEP  but  maybe  not  for  open  house  which  is  in  march but that  dose not cover  life after high school. ( more on these  topics   soon  i hope)

 pic is me  age 19 months  


  1. It's never too late to ammend an IEP. We've done so AT the meeting already, which is what the meeting is for. But you can even call them after it's revised to make MORE revisions. Make sense? You'll be fine today, really. Go WOW them.

  2. Good luck at the IEP meeting...let me know how it goes! Cute picture of you!!

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