
Saturday, May 22, 2010

I do not get by

Remeber the Beatles song I get by with a little help from my friends well for me I do not get by with help because I do not feel that I have friends to lean on. I do have the kid from my b ball team who is my best friend but he is only a eighth grader. I have typical friends but they are not scared of transiton so it is hard to go to them for help. Plus I have the suspiction that i tag along with them instead of being true friends with them. I have some socal skills but as a senior in high school (with five days left) I can not work in groups I still act like a child. i am no where near ready and hanging out with Mr T is out of the picture as well so how am I going to survive.

At Special Olympics there are kids who could realte but DD has single handly made it so I do not have acess to them. The girls are disabled and whats more they have fromed a click and make my life a liveing hell. I got into a fight with them saying that they belong in Slytheren( from harry potter) and they belong to the vampire hunters( They realy enjoy twilight) The coach then repermand me for makeing this wrose because I also cussed at them ( was tempted to use the R word but I did not ) So I do not know how I am going to deal with the transition from high school. If anyone has a time machine can you please let me use it to go back to the begging of senior year instead of where i am now


  1. I hated working in groups when I was your age. I remember one particular incident in grade 12 when I lost it with a group of chemistry classmates I had to work in the lab with. I have learned some group skills throughout my years of university. Trust me, you will learn, it just takes longer than it would for most people.

    Even now, I don't have a lot of people to hang out with, but I prefer to spend a great deal of my free time alone (probably because of the Asperger's). Also, my interests are either academic things such as psychology or activities and video games that are more geard towards younger people. I have many people who are important to me who I enjoy spending time with but few of them are peers/my age. I don't really think it matters as long as you have people you can connect with that understand.

    Meep on trying and you will find a place you are happy.

  2. Oh sweetie...I'm so sorry that you are worried about the transition. Is there a transition program where you live that helps with school/job issues? You are such a bright young lady with an awesome future ahead of you! Don't sell yourself short. I hope my daughter will do as well as you are doing when she's a senior! It really does have friends that you can lean on though. I'm sorry you feel that you don't have that support in friends.


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