
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Full Furstation

warning  this post contains a vent
  I  have the  hardest speech in my entire class.      Has been a statement   I   could have  said   from pre k to  senior year of  high school,without  frustration.  As  when  I  was  young    as long as  kids  played with  me (which they  did ) at recess, lunch or  free time.  As   I  entered  middle school ,   I     told myelg   that they  do not have a disability ( I  got  passed up in  speech class    and that was discouraging , but   not  to  bad)   and that lasted through  high school,  what also helped  was the  typical  kids who  could  understand  repeat things  to  the   teacher.
( Another reason  that inculsive  education has worked  for me)     But   as   I say it about  my current class  CDS 2010   my  Frustration level is  full.

I really like my first day picture of CDS 
The  thing is that  all of the students in the program  are young adults   with disabilities and   most of them   have been in SDC classes   in  high school.  I am  one  of the smartest   students  in the classes   and I  comprehend everything   that goes  on. It  should make  sense  since  I   understand everything that  I should  be able to express myself , but   that is not the case.  All the teachers   do not  understand me 100 percent  of the time and   it is  difficult   to   show them how  smart  and funny  I  really  am.   A good example  is  today  during   PE.

 We  were in the cycling   room and     coach  A (we had a  four coaches  today)  helps me and says  "AZ  you  make me feel   like     Cinderella," as he put my  foot through the  straps  on the bike pedals" Am  i the handsome  prince ."


 " No,"   I say You are the  ugaly troll. I have been  playing a lot  of  Lego  Harry  potter  on the Wii.
 The ugly   frog,"                                                   

"No   troll,"


 " No? " 

The other  kids  call out  but they do  not say   troll

  I got off  my bike and  wrote the  wrong spelling of  troll 

 I show  it to  coach B  "Troy,"
"No   troll
" Finally coach   got it." 

I walked  back  across campus  with  Coach  A and  we   talked about the  frustration i have about my speech during the classes in the class and he suggested  slowing down and   articulating.      Coach A  says that   he talks to fast and ask that we all  try to do our best and  slow down.    I can  do that but      it  still  does not  guaranteed that I will speak  smartly.  I   hate   speaking  stupidly I need more  ST   with a good speech therapist.

 got  pics  from  the flowing



  1. It has to be frustrating. Max doesn't really talk a lot. I know it frustrates him when people don't know what he wants or is trying to say. That leads to behavior problems with him.

    Just do your best... That's all you can do.

    Love your picture. You are very pretty!

  2. Enjoyed reading this.

    I have had experiences where comprehension and expression are dissociated/separated.

    The "ugly troll" story!


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