
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sad soccer story

  As  some of u know this year I  am playing soccer  for the local special olympics. it has not been working out so great. 

See there are two teams  on the pratice site  the  A team and the b team. I have been playing ayso for  a long time on the regular leagues(U6 -u14) I also watch my high school  soccer games and I know a thing or too about  soccer. I would classify my slef as intermedite to  pre advance  in terms of soccer skills. The coach does not so she put on the  lower team  the first pratice   with the hope that  if I coraporated I would be on the A team.   

Well yesterday  the head coach was'nt at pratice  so two nice men filled in. I did my drills and stuff and come scrimidge  I  tried to seneak over to play. The others got soo mad  telling  me i was not on the  team.  Most of them are friends with DD and it did not help that two weeks eariler  at bowlingI  got mad with DD and put  mutiplea ball in the guter  and  yesterday's pratice was the first  time  I had  seen everyone and  some new people got  anoyed with me.   Let me tell you right now  people with intelicual disablities can remerber bad things.  

 I ended up scrimigeing on the lower  team yesterday and did great got some goals saved some goals  on defesne too. When the coachs called  quits  I headed over to get some soda and some guy told me " Hay,ifyou play on the A team everyone will quit. "

 I got mad  partly cause I was caught off guard .  I had played on the b team  I was playing good. I started yelling i do not understand. Me and the guy have gotten along well up until this point. 

1 comment:

  1. The optimistic conclusion I would come to is that they like you and look on you as a leader in their team.


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