
Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Return of Sunday Grains of Gradtitude

   So Sunday  grains of  Gratitude  is  back.  I have not done this for  a while,but I  read them   recently  and I  really liked  reading about the little things that happened   week to week  I  like   re reading them.

  1.   I survived  Winter break .  It was  two weeks between  my sister return to mine . These  two weeks  have  been  home alone  for most of the day  without a routine  so  it  gets  boring. I   did well but  am looking  forward to going back to school  on Tuesday.
  2.   I helped take  down the Christmas   stuff and did a great  job  by myself now all the boxes  are down.
  3.  I went  to a soccer game at my high school.  The team tied  when they should have  won  and  thus  Mr C  did not want  to  talk to me that much. That was discouraging but then  I am disabled   teen and  he had  a  newborn baby  and  his wife   but    at least I talked to Mr,MCG ( AP us history teacher)   Mr C wanted to  talk to one of  the older soccer player which  made   me feel invisible  but    i am disabled so it is ok.
  4.  I  got to see LM.  I went to his house  after the soccer game ( much too my dad not so best wishes) and on  Sat  I  got a ride  with him and his friend who also has DS.  We had a fun time even though they were messing  with me   (  our high schools are ,or in my case former high schools,) rivals.
  5.  I went to 2 basketball practice. On sat it  was rrc special Olympics and  today was the hmb  pre practice. I  think we will have a great season  .  At today's  pre practice I helped  one  a kid who is  my age with CP  sooo cool. This Saturday is  the first practice so  I will  take pics then. If anyone  who is reading this  and  lives in the area   hmb  is far but it is worth it.    
  6. I am doing  grains of Gratitude again
  7.  I went out to lunch with my mom Saturday afternoon.
  8.  For MLK  he  made  my life so much better .  As an American American  disabled  female  his work  impacts me soo much,  I watch  the Imitation of life  and it was  interesting  to  see  the hate between a child  and her mother due  to  skin tone.  I hated the girl by the  way   I was   that into the movie
 Happy Sunday

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