
Monday, June 27, 2011

In America ?

  Pledge  of   Allegiance

 I  pledge  allegiance to the flag  of  the  United  States  of  America
   And to  the republic   for which it stands
 One Nation under God
 With  Liberty  and  Justice   for ALL

    All  means   everyone     even those  with disabilities.   What  happens when people forget 

                 Let me tell you a story.   Lets say  that you are  13 years  old  but instead of hanging  out  at the mall and    middle school  drama   you spend  your days  in a facility  because  you are hard to handle.     One  day on a field   trip  someone  with authority sits on you until you die.      You are in a van  but the driver  does not  get medical care  for  you.

 Seems  like   the victim  was kidnapped   right

   wait   you are in a care facially    why

As a person with behavior  issues  and  disabilities  my heart   really breaks  for this little  boy.    I  hope  there  are   not other  people  in   America  like John  but  the  sad  fact  is that there are most likely others.    I love    being  a American    there are lots of  benefits   from living here  but   I am not happy  with  the story.    Does  anyone have  any  ideas  how we  can  fix the problem?

   For  more info on  John  Carey  click  here 

 and    here is something   that  Tim Shiver    wrote in  regards to   John

 got  image  from

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