
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just want to have fun

           this post is  a vent u  have been  warned

  Even  though  I am 19 years old   and the eldest  sister. I feel  like  I am  nine and have two older sisters. The worst  part is that   I am done with high school  but never went to a house party   or a school dance.

   Things are different  for  my two  sisters.  Book gal and   Princess  are   known to be out of the house a lot. They have lots of friends that they hang out with   and  I am stuck at home.  I am  soo bored  and the Wii  and internet  only helps  to a extent.  I am soo lonely .   I do not know why this should bother me  because  I have  been  lonely for a while  now  however it does.

 me at a friends  house making cookie December 2010
 What can  parents of  typical  teenagers   do  to help  people like me out  is  to encourage  that   they  call up    others with disabilities  there same  age to hang out with.   I know  i am  difficult to hang out with but  if  I  lack  practice  of being around  peers  I  will never  learn.     Just because I am disabled  does not mean that I  do not have the same diseres   as other teenagers  do. i want to go out of the house without  my parents and have a  good  time.  I want  to have a  fun summer  getaway.  I want something to do.  Will all the  things  typical  teenagers  do  be  right for me   no  but allot of them will.   For example  I  can not  go to   to a 18 and under  club  but  I   would  like to go bowling   or  go to the theaters  to see    Harry Potter at midnight.  I  may not   want to go  to a horror   film   but  i  would  enjoy horseback  riding  or     a amusement park.      What  I would love    is  if  someone  invited  me to do something  and  even  if  it was not  something  I wanted to do     It would  be a step in the right  direction.      People  with disabilities   just want to have fun


  1. I know.

    I'm glad your sisters aren't restricting themselves because of you and going out when they want to.

    Good idea for parents of typical kids and teenagers.

    Are you thinking of going to dances now you're in college and an adult environment?

    I know you were very focused on your studies and your advocacy work!

    Being without peers can really feel like a hole.

    Hope you get to see Deathly Hallows at midnight! The second part is the really scary and dark part.

    Something like Best Buddies but more spontaneous.

    Did school dances take a lot of energy out of you? (physically, mentally and emotionally?)

    Hope you have fun this summer!

  2. I know.

    I'm glad your sisters aren't restricting themselves because of you and going out when they want to.

    Good idea for parents of typical kids and teenagers.

    Are you thinking of going to dances now you're in college and an adult environment?

    I know you were very focused on your studies and your advocacy work!

    Being without peers can really feel like a hole.

    Hope you get to see Deathly Hallows at midnight! The second part is the really scary and dark part.

    Something like Best Buddies but more spontaneous.

    Did school dances take a lot of energy out of you? (physically, mentally and emotionally?)

    Hope you have fun this summer!

  3. I think it was eaiser for me because due to my Asperger's, I dislike parties and group gatherings. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) getting together with friends one at a time, however dances would not be for me. I went to one once in grade 9 and had to leave after half an hour due to sensory overload. My favrotie way to hang out with people in the evening is either through instant messaging or online games (I love to play Fable III with people). Is it possible you could get involved in some special interest groups within your college (e.g. a Christian students' group or African American students' club)? That may give you the oppertunity to meet others your age that have similar interests. I wish I could help more on this, I have never really understood peer group gatherings.


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