
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Laid Back Althlete a new nick name

 My Big  Bro  
             Today is my brother's  birthday.      I  will take the time to give you guys an  update  on what he  is doing.  

  After  many  years   of  playing baseball   Laid Back  Athlete now  has a new  job   at  a Enterprise in a big  city.  He lives in  said city now  with  a  roommate.   Since  he  no longer  is playing baseball  it is   time  once again  to  change his  Name on the  blog      Laid Back Athlete  will no  be known  as  My Big Brother   I  hope he like it  happy b day   to my big bro


  1. Hi there! I have been reading your blog for a while now and have just never commented! I figured now would be a good time :) Ellen @ Love That Max recommended your blog! I'm 22 and I have CP as well. Feel free to check out my blog too :)

  2. Awww...I can tell you really love your big bro! Happy birthday to him!


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