
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A little different but it is still normal to me

    First and  foremost  today is  Princess's 17 b day  happy  b  day  princess.

   One of  Princess's  friends called  last night   to  ask  my mom  to   have a surprised  b day  party.     So  my day  was  spent   getting  ready for the surprise  b day  party.   Throughout the course of  the day I  talked  to  book gal  (who is  doing well thank you  very much)  and  i mentioned to her    it would be  cool  for me to have a surprise b day party. But then I  thought about it.  I do not have many of my own  friends and social situations are  hard.    Princess's  friends   and her  went out   to do stuff  I have yet to  learn how  to drive.    I have  average  friends, flocks without disabilities, but   for me it seems   to hard.  I  can  really  be  myself more around  my peers  with disabilities and  adults.

 Flash forward to  shopping for a card for princess. I found one that said   that sisters  know each other best.  I picked it up   because my dad and I (Mom is in  DC hope u  are  reading this mom ) had a lot to do.   The  card said  that sisters  know  each other best.   Yeah   maybe   typical sisters  know  each other best and  have  the same friends but that is not me. That is  book gal and   Princess  they are inseparable  and   their  friends   are  friends   too.   I know  about their   relationship  because they now  always  fb  each other  I am happy for them  but sad  at the same time.

  The  actual  party   the  girls    let me surprise them  and  cake  was  nice.  I  thought  I   had an allay in one of the girls  who does not come  over here that much.  I  told  her  jokingly that I  had a crush on  Mr.T (they  went to the same high school I   graduated from ) and  she  told the others  and they  laughed.  I get so confused  socially I mean  do  i make fun of myself on  purpose to fit in   Do I talk about boys?    I do  not  know  it is  soo  hard on me.

 After   they kicked me  out of   Princess's room   I  went to my neighbors house   and brought back  my  friend D  (who has  Autism and is 24)  and  we played  Lego  Pirates of  the Caribbean on the wii.   I  enjoy playing  wii  with D   and  it  showed    me   this  I may  have  a disability and  not a lot of  average  friends but  I have  lots of friends    on Facebook and    among the disability com minty. My life  may  be different then a typical  teenager  but  it is  my  normal.  Stay  toon  for more

1 comment:

  1. You have great friends and a family network that loves you unconditinally. Have no doubts about that. I'm proud of what you did for your sister. Love ya, DC


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