
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Starting Strong

  I have been  in collage  for two days now  and  things are  going well.    I  feel a lot  more cofident in myslef  and  my abilities this is different  than  last  year.  Progress  is happening 

  Me  a few  days before  starting collage

  Let me  give u a  run down of  my classes 

   Statistics:  I had the first meeting  yesterday  and   it went  alright  espacaily because   I had a  friend in that class.   I sat by him   and did  class work  with him and another person.   The  instuctor seems  very nice  but  she   will demand a lot from us.   Every week  with have a  reading    quiz which seems odd considering  that  this is  a math class but it is  vocab and   I took the first one  tonight  and  I only missed one (on my first  try, we  can  take  it up to  two times) so  I  will take it again   most likely when  I   done  writing this.   One of the big  projects   that kinda freaked me out was  writing a  mathmatical esssay luckly   it is with a partner  and  she has not assigned it.

 English   I took this  today. I already knew the teacher from  my first sesmester.  i  may  swich  to the teacher  I had  from  last sesmester if  she  takes  me back.   I  would like to  take this class  again because  her class is in  a computer lab full of  macs and I  know  quite a lot  about that considering I own one :) Obviously this is   to be contiued

  Adapted  PE:  WE  do not   start  yet   but  I will    be  going in for assessment tomorrow.   Since   all  the   students  have disabilities    PE  is my social time    plus   I have fun  :)

 Film making:  Another fun class that  I  enjoy.     I think there   is  someone  with DS and  another person  with AS. The  teacher seems  nice   she also  does voice over.  This class    might prevent me from   playing  Special Olympic Soccer this  fall  as it in the late afternoon  I  do not know  for sure  yet so  again to be continued 

   I finished  all my homework    for math  yesterday ( we also have problems for homework as well as  reading quiz) and  have been  taking    the bus    I plan on  getting  binders set up on Saturday   and  i have   a softball game on Sunday to end   the season   My  ocd is a little to high for my liking  but hopefully it will settle out soon.


  1. It sounds like you are going to be busy this semester! I love hearing about your college experiences, thanks for sharing them. :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing about the start of your semester! I sounds like it is going well :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. yea!!! good work. have fun at college:)

  5. Hi AZ!

    I'm sure by now (it is Monday as I write this) you will have your binders set up.

    It was interesting to read about your Statistics group work, and exciting to read about your Filmmaking class.

    Let us know how the changes with the English teacher might go.

    Stay strong, AZ.


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