
Sunday, September 4, 2011

So many choices

  hay  guys   its me AZ

      For those of you   that   have been  fallowing for the past  year or so  you  will know that    Tuesday  will be my birthday.        Not  just  any   birthday  but  I will be  20 years  old.  No longer a teenager  which  leaves  me to   the  title  of  so many choices.  i know  I  want to continue blogging  but    i do not know  if   i should do the  fallowing.

  A close  this  blog and adress   but leave it up for achieves  or

  B keep the adress  but  change  the  name

 Either  way  i have to change the  name    which is  soo  sad :(

   this  blog / online  community  has been there through    good  times and  bad times.   i know   whatever  i do   i will hopefully continue to  have   readers  so that  part  hopefully will not change  but   I do not know  what  I should do  so  I ask    you  readers  what to do.

  Please comment I need  ideas  for a new  name   no matter what  and  weather  to do  choice  A or B

   Thanks  in advance


  1. I think the easiest thing to do would keep the address but change the title of your blog.

    By the way, I tried to email you yesterday via the email link on your blogger profile, and it came back undeliverable.

  2. I think option B would be easiest! Happy (early) Birthday!

  3. Keep the URL- I'm not sure what "nldcp" stands for, but I imagine it's still fitting for you at any age. Just change the header title. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday!! I think just add (former) before Teenager in the title and keep the address.

    Proud of you!!

  5. Keep the address, change the title. I come to your site regularly. It's an informative blog with good informaion and insight about being a young adult with a disability. I can relate to many of your posts.

  6. I like the suggestion of adding (former) to the title, but you could also switch out teenager for young woman!

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday, and looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with your blog title!


Thanks for stoping by please leave a comment. If you know my real name please do not use it in the comment thanks