
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Having Cerebral Palsy is not the end of the world


Me at  the Bridge School concert 
      I  have lived  with  CP for  two decades  now.    It was  something I   was born  with.      When  I was diagnosed  as a toddler  with  it  my life did not end.      My  mom sometimes wonders   what  i be doing  if  I did not have  CP collage wise  and  I  told  her   I  might  have still  wound  up in  Community  collage  nothing wrong with that.     Someone apologized  to me   when  I  told her I have  CP. There is nothing to feel sorry  for  I am  not  broken  I  still have  feelings /fears. (No    I am not always  happy   )   Having  CP  does not make me less  of a person.     

  Does  CP  make it hard for me to talk  yes   Does it make   hard   for me  to play sports?  yes.  Does it make my handwriting  bad  yes .    Is it frustrating  at  times  yes.    Isn't  frustration apart of  life  yes.

 I think  having  CP has  made  me appreciate the little things in life. For example  if  I see a dragonfly  I  will watch  it for a while  I  took this pic last fall  of a inchworm.     This does not mean  I have a  intellectual disablity, I  did  get an  88 on  a statics test.  Things come a lot harder  for me   simply  means  that i get to  celebrate  things  more.  I am not a optimistic  person, yet  when it comes to  CP   I  do not feel  like it is the worst thing that has  happend to me ( in fact it is the easier then   OCD which  is  not lifelong)  My  view on life  may be different  then others peoples  but     all I know   is this  if  I had a chance to  be average I would do it for a day, yet I would want to go back to being me  Cp  and all.    

   A  penny for your thoughts 


  1. It is nice to hear you saying things like that. You make me realize that I do take for granted things that I should be stopping to marvel at. Dragonflies are amazing, adorable little creatures God has made! Of course I should take the time to admire their beuaty. Unfortunately, life often shoves us along and we miss such chances.

    I do not think you would want to be average. You are who you are and to be anything else would mean that you are changing yourself. Everybody is special in their own way, so do not lose that! :)

  2. Great post! I liked that you said 'having CP does not make me less of a person." I hope that parents who have a child just dx w/CP, or any disability, will find your blog and see this quote!

  3. Wonderful post, AZ! You inspire me every single day. I am going to post it on Facebook.

  4. I agree with Ellen! I am a mum to an amazing little boy with CP who is currently having difficulty accepting who he is. I am going to share your post with him, I think it will go a long way to help him see he is not alone out there! Keep blogging AZ!! x

  5. If my Sammie B turns out to have the self-awareness and amazing spirit that you have, I'll be one lucky mama! Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. Thank you for sharing your world. From a parent who has a child with CP, it really helps to read your posts.

  7. great post.
    By the way I haven't posted it on Junior's blog yet but you won his give away. Please email me your snail mail addy and I will get it mailed to you.

  8. Great post! I think Steve Wampler, JMac and many others would be very proud of you.


  9. Great blog, Veronica. You are an amazing young woman. Love you! ~ Auntie Marie


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