
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Review

   It seems  like  yesterday I  did a  2010  year   in  review  now it is  time to  do  it for  2011  and  before you  know it  will  be time  for a 2012  year in  review.  I  honestly love  doing these it is  a chance to  reflect on all the  great  things  that  happend    during the  year  so  without  further  delay  here  it is.

 January 2011:   I  had a   my  first  long  winter break  and  started taking college level  classes   at  my local  community college .  Book gal   started  her last semester  of high school.
 C, me and R  2/2011
February 2011 :    I  made  a  buzzer  short  my  cousin  came to vist
 March  2011:    The  college  thing  just  clicked  for me.   It  took long enough

 April 2011:       I   actually  aced  a  college   essay.   I     competed  in the Menlo  Games .Book Gal gets  accepted  to UMass Boston.

May  2011:  Book Gal  turns   18. I  go to a job   intake  but  it did not work  out  yet I  had  fun  in the process. .

My  Dad and I  fourth of  July 2011
June 2011:  Book Gal  graduates  high school  we  celebrate with  friends and  family,.  My grandma comes   up and  My  parents  grandma and  me    take a  day  trip to   Monterey.  I    became a  Hope Solo  fan   watching the Women's world Cup.

July 2011; Celebrated    our country  independence   day  in  sacramento  with my   mom's   family Book  gal  leaves  for  college .  My  big  brother turned  27  and my  dad  had  his  b day as well
   "Sexy" minni mouse Halloween  2011  
 August 2011:   I  saw  my  old aid in the park,  Princess turns   17 and starts her senior year .   I    begin my  second year  of  college.
  September 2011:  I turn   two  decades   old   how   did that  happend

 October 2011 :   I  met  Steve  Wampler and   rocked out at  the 25 annual  bridge school   concert.     I also attended  my  first buddy walk

  November2011:      I  got  to be a goalie in  the  special olympics  tournament   and watch   power soccer at the Ability  expo  in  san  jose .  Princess   became  the  first     African  american   to win  homecoming    at  her high school

December   2011 :  My parents  celebrate 21 years  of  marriage . My  dog has been  in our family for seven  years  Christmass  eve   I enjoy  Mario  games on my  three Ds.  My mom and I had   a Comical  Costco  trip.

  Me and  Santa  at the Christmass  tree farm   December 2011 

Disability Awareness  post  that  you  do not want to miss

Stumbo Family Story

   Having  CP  is not the end  of the world
    Value of  my  Life 
    My  name is  AZ not  az

 Happy New Year  Everyone

 Got  image  from :


  1. The year in review...great idea, maybe I will have to borrow that. Now of course I want to know, how was CP in review this last year?

  2. You made 2011 a great success! Thank you for sharing with us.

  3. AZ, what an awesome year. OK, now how are you gonna top THAT in 2012? He, he.

    Happy New Year.


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