
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Conotation vs Denotation

I have a amazing  memory.  Literally   that is how  I am  able to share stuff from my  past with  you guys  and   that is the reason why   I  am  able to tell you  this story.

 I  remember the specific   moment  that I first  learned of connotation and  Denotation. It was in tenth  grade in  english  class.      A few years  later (2010)  when  I asked   a teacher  to speak about the R word  what  term  come to  mind   Connotation and  Denotation.      the students  were also  reading Othello so   I   used all three of those things to  explain  about the R Word.

  It really saddens  me  when  people  fail to understand the hate ful  affects of the  word  Retard.    You see growing  up   in  middle and high school  we never discussed  disabled  history. Growing up  we  never  learned   what     historically   was  ment  by the  R Word.

  Historically if    someone was  born  with  any type of disability  in the  United States  doctors  were told  to send their infant    to  a training facility away  from  family.    This  was not a school    it was  a  prison  where   it  was  common place to  see scenes like this

   And this

  That is  what the  connotation  of the  word  Retarded  was.  That is  what people  who were the  R word  were   subjected  to.  These  people  these kids  were subjected to   conditions  worse then  prisons.    These  people for no   apparent  reasson   other then  a dingoes of some kind  were  terrorized  and   lived  in  inhumane  conditions.

 The  Dictionary  term   can be found  here.  I will not post it because  the connotation is   way stronger.  When  people  say  the  R word    it     makes  those  poor  people  in  insitutions   suffer  even  more.  We  need to  teach  general  education   kids about this  painful  part  of    the  United  States  history because   this  is  still going  on  around  the world  today.

 To  be  continued

 In the  mean time  end  the word  or tell a friend about it

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