
Monday, March 5, 2012

The First day of middle school

 my Middle school logo 
 I  actually do  remember  a little  of my  first day  of  middle school.  I  remember  being   nervous because  I  thought  it was  on a huge  campus on a  hill.  I  quickly learned  that  was the high school.  My school was  in the   valley.  I  did not know  who my  one on  one aid was  so my  Mom walked me into school.   It  turned out    that   I had  my  old aid  from    fourth  and fifth grade, Ms.M,  I  remember my homeroom  was  English  class.  We  stayed  in English for two  periods.  My whole English class than   went on to  math  and  history class. Unfortunately  my aide  did  keep a communication book with my parents  but    I do not know where it is :( . I also do not have a lot of  pictures  from back then because the hard  drive is broken  and has not been  fixed.  If anyone knew me  in  middle school and has  photos  of me   from back then I would be grateful if  you  sent them to me.

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