
Monday, March 12, 2012

Language arts Math History

           I have to say   that    I am  pretty smart. I am a   US  History  wiz  a  wonderful writer  and  even though  I had a hard time  with  math I was  able to pass  college level  math last sesmester with a  B.

  notice   how  I am  missing a subject   Science

    In  Elementary school  I  learned about  Science and I would  say that  i  thought it was  fun.  I  remeber learning about the digestive system  and  Dinosaurs.   In  fith  grade  I did  a scince exparment on  plants, but  after that     I did  not  attend  Science class    until   I was in tenth  grade.    So   to put it in  Years  from      May 2003  til   Augest  2007  I   did not      have   Scince Class   because  in   middle school  I  went  to   RSP  class,  that was when the  fun  begain.
  Middle school  was also the time when  I  first  entered a  RSP  class.  RSP  stands  for  Resource Specialist   Program.   It was  a study hall for students who  were not in Special  Day Classes  who  still needed  some  extra help.    Most of the students in the class had learning  disability  such as  ADHD and  dyslexia.   I   was  in  Directed  studies   under  a IEP, which  I  had  since  I  was in  preschool so  even though  I did not  meet with a Special  Education  Teacher   in  Elementary school  I  had a  aid and   Speech  Therapy.  In  sixth  grade  I  was one of the most seve   students  in  the class.  the other  one   was DD  who was  deaf and also  had an aid.    DD had  hearing  aides that she could turn of  to study. She  could  tune out the noise.  Why  would she need  to do that?    To  be  continued....

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