
Monday, March 26, 2012


  So  yesterday I   got to watch the  Muppet  movie  via  Apple TV.

 I really  liked it.  It is about a  muppet who was raised in a human family  thus  he has a hard time  fittining  in  he is  really short. Then  he   watches the Muppet show  on  TV and  he  does not   feel so  alone.  It leads him ....    What you think I would  ruin the movie for  you..

 Anyway   one  of my  favorite  songs that Kermit,  you know  the frog, sings  is  It's not that easy being green.  I  remember watching   the song on Sesame Street  back when I was younger and liking the song but not understanding.  Now   17 years  later  I do  understand its  not that easy to be  different. It's really hard when society  tells  you that you are not wroth  the same because of   stroke  before birth.   Since  green  is the CP  color.   I feel like  Kermit is sining this song  especially  for  kids with  CP even though it applies to  all disabilities. 


  1. Emma saw me reading this and said, "The Muppets! My favorite!"

    This song of Kermit's has always been one of my favorites, too. I love your idea that Kermit is singing it for all the kids with CP. :)


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