
Monday, July 16, 2012

It still hurts

 My   Dog lights up  my world
    Let  me start off by saying that I had a great fourth of  july  week.   I   went  to a firework  show  at  the  local  elementary school and  had a  great  time.    During the fireworks   i  saw  some people   from high school and said  hi   and  instead of turning around they  left me.   Actually  everyone   left me  and there was  no  room to sit  because spots  were  taken.   I     end up sitting next to people from  my high school  and  afterwords  there was a  party at  the  girl's house  but   guess  who was not invited.  I    keep on  plugging  away and walked home.      Despite  this I  had a great time  overall  because  hay   I  have not had  great friends  for  most of my life  so  I  guess   one  to say that  I am  used to  it  by now.    

 It still  hurts

  On the  fourth of July   we had a  party at Sacramento and  I saw  my cousin  who is  two  years  old . She is the same one  that I wrote  a  poem  for   before she was  born.    My  cousin  lets  call  her   K  told  princess  that  she could baby sit.   I  offered to  babysit  because  hay  I  like   kids and   she is  a cutie  pie.     K says  no    but  i could  baby sit with  D  our  other cousin.  D says  no way.    K  says the  chaperone   needs a  chaperon      I  shut  down  then  people asked me  whats  wrong.  I say  nothing because of  course  I    am   known as  AZ the     one who  runis things    for everyone  involved and  I am   trying  to change that .  I  told my mom what was  bothering me  but she  does not  understand  because  She  asked my sister   to  watch over me  if she  moved to sacramento.     HELLO ?     I  can   take  care of my self.     Yeah  I can not  cook  or do  my hair  but   that is what  hats are for  and     I can  microwave stuff.  I want to be independent  how  do  you think  I feel when  I hear these   things  terrible.         I am not  a kid  anymore  I am almost  21.   Man  its  so  hard to be  me.      I feel  like a round  peg  going into a  square hole.  I have  a hard time fitting  in  with peers, disabled and   average, and    I   am  still  a  "Kid".   Yet      I   still  smile and  try to  be  happy because  after all   these  things  are  commonplace  for me.

                     It  still hurts

 Heading back home ater the fourth of  July

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