
Monday, August 13, 2012

Able to go to college episode five: Test Time

           So this was the first test  of the semester ( which is  ironic  considering   next week  is  my  first day  back)


  In  college  I am in   regular  classes( of course)  but because of my disability  I  get to take  my take in a special   place  called   DSPS.

 DSPS  is   a resource  for college students  with disabilities almost every college  has  one.    In my college  I  have  an accommodation form that I  give to the teachers that basically says that I   have a disability and   need  accommodations.  Accommodations  vary   from  person  to person but   for the most part  every student with  a disability will need extended time on test.       At my college extend time on test  comes   with double  time (   a  30 minute test = 1 hour)    or time and a half      does  anyone  know?    I think  I  have double  time. This does not mean that   I  have unlimited  time  cuz  i do not I just have more time to think about  the  test material.  And    there is no cheating allowed

 For this test  I t was on  the human  cell   which    was a hard test but  luckily  I had a study  group meeting at my house so  I studied well. I  got a  B.

 Do you  know the  parts of  our cells 

 video  pic from goggle

1 comment:

  1. Great job AZ! I loved Biology at school and Uni. That sounds like a gret program to offer sime more time too. I had a friend at Uni who accessed the same thing back in my day! ;)


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