
Thursday, August 9, 2012


  R-E-S-P-E-C-T  find out what it means  to me 

     Thanks,  glad  you  want to know.  It started earlier  today  I was watching  the  US women's soccer   with my parents they were in the  gold  place  medal  round in the Olympics and they  won  today   2-1 like  many    proud Americans  I  was  proud that we won.  Why  shouldn't  I?   I   was  born in  the US  I love soccer  especially  watching it on the big  screen as was the  case  today. 

 Then their  was the medal  ceremony.  Then  it  hit me  like  a fist.     Disabled  athletes   do not  get the  same  respect  as  average  people.   There  they were   with their  matching  warm up   atire    amongst the fans that were  cheering for  them   that I was able  to see    100 miles away  on   the big screen.   

  Got this  off  of  Facebook its  to good not  to share with u all 
The  Olympics feels  so much  more  poignant  to me  because I am able  to  see it on  TV   on  a major channel  I  was able  to  watch   the opening  ceremonies and   most of the events on  tv.   They   were on   in every  restaurant  that I went to   over these  past two  weeks.  My parents   recored  via  DVR.      I  was  never able to do  it  this  during last years  World Special Olympics  Summer games, nor  do   I  believe    I will able to  watch the  para  olympics  in the next two  weeks. This  really  pisses me   off.  I did some  research  and   I  found that in  2008  the  Us  broadcasted  a  two  hour    pice on the  para olympics.    Ok   so  you  broadcast   two  weeks for the  US   but   two  hour  pice  on   para olympics. I  know  you can  find  it online  but  you  really have to  look, but    it is  bluntly  obvious that the  olympics   are on.   
Why  wasn't   Oscar    known in the US  before   the London  olympics  he was obviously a great  athletes .?  He was  not known  because  the  para olympics are not   broadcast  in the  US.

  I am not saying that   Hope  Solo,   Michael Phelps,  and   the rest of the US olympic team   do not deceive our  respect. I     am  proud of all of them.  I am saying that  disabled   athletes who represent  team  USA     should also  become  households names .
  I am a  athlete and  I am  Normal 

1 comment:

  1. AZ:

    Preach it!

    In Australia Parathletes are recognised.

    Here is a good editorial from today's Herald-Sun:

    True Champions editorial

    There are also several shows like "Race to London", which showed Ahmed Kelly (swimming S3); Ryley Batt (wheelchair rugby) and Grace Bowman (equestrian). There was a UK-based show as well called Incredible Athletes.

    Love that Oscar quote.

    Though I did think: "Average people or average athletes"?

    And what about Gabby Douglas?

    Coverage for the Paralympics has varied over the years. Wall-to-wall (in print and on TV) in Sydney, opening ceremonies and events in Athens, colour stories in Beijing and probably half-hour highlights in London. Comedian Adam Hills did some coverage in Beijing, which was terrific.


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