
Monday, October 1, 2012

Get it down 31 for 21

 So  today  is the first    day of  October  meaning     its  Disability   Awareness  month. So  in order to celebrate  I  am doing a  31 for  21  in  which I will  blog  every day for  down  syndrome.    Which  will  include  more     Able to go to college  videos  along  with  summer photos.  

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  So why  I am  blogging   for DS  when  I have CP.

 Well  why not  I have    a disability  and  have lots of friends  with DS including LM who   you will hear  about   during the month.  He's  been   my friend  since  I was ten  and although  we do not get together  often  he  I enjoy the  time we  spend  together.      Lately     LM  me and his   "brother"  his  best friend  who also has  an extra chromosome  all hang out  together.

  So   are you  blogging for DS awareness month?   Any  fun stuff  planed  for this month  let me know.  If you are doing some  fun things and  take  photos    I would love to see them you can  post them to my  Facebook page or email   me at .        Who  knows you may  be asked   to write up something about   it to be featured (with your permission) on    the blog which shows the world that  All  people  with disabilities  have   more abilities then disabilities. 


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