
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Yesterday was a bad day

      Most days   I  do not feel  bad about  disabilities  but there are times when I do.   Yesterday  was  one of those  day.

  It started out in class when I asked  someone to  join me  to study  and they said no.    Too make  matters worse   I am  trying to befriend this  guy  and I thought it was  going well , but then his  friend from high school  who hadn't been in class for a while  came back and I could see their  interaction and  realized  that we were  not  friends .

 Then  we  went to the  Oregon Standford  V ball game to  root for the ducks, by the  way  since  Princess  has  started  going there  my  parents have been turned into duck fans  I think they are   growing wings lol.     
 My  first soccer team  G U-6    So cute   
Watching the game it hit me that I play on special olympics,   and thus we do not have   nice uniforms and  for soccer, which  along with basketball and   golf are my favorite  sports. we only have  eight  practices.   We  practice  once a week for  two hours.  That is not a long time.    Regular sports  get  longer seasons.  It seems like   our  seassons   are getting shorter and shorter.    Its not fair.    We   will train for eight weeks and play a tourment  that consist of  two to three games and that's all.     I want more.  When  will Special Olympics  realize that   this  program is the only advenu for  people with disabilities  to play sports.    If  we only  have  eight weeks   couldn't we have  practice  twice a week  for two hours.   Once  week does not allow   athletes  too improve  right.   Just saying.    


  1. You're right about "one week not allowing the athletes to improve".

    And why no nice uniforms and short seasons?

  2. YOu are so right about practices. I don't know why they don't have more. Maybe because they see it as only a recreation-level kind of sport. Maybe there could be another team for those who want to practice more and get better?


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