
Saturday, December 1, 2012

A do- over day

          So  today  is the  national youth inclusion conference for I am  norm.  I wish  I  could be telling you guys about   all the fun   things that are happening.  All the  people  I am  meeting   that also believe in inclusion.   I was  soo excited  earlier in the week  I  warned my teachers that I would be hyper  on friday  from all the  excitement. 

  That was   Monday.

 The fear set in  on Tuesday night  when  I  realized that  it would be storming in the  bay area.

 Wednesday    talked to a physics  teacher  about  what would happend  if  a plane got stuck by lighting,

Thursday       warend  my group that I would not attend.  Talked to my old  aid  went to see Lincoln  which was a great movie 


  Went to class  was not hyper more scared   it did not help that   we read a poem about death. ( no  i do not blame  my  american  Lit teacher) 

 Talked to my  astronomy teacher asking him about   any metros, like the one  he told us about on Wednesday, 

  Went to the  airport and  could not decide  to  go or stay.     Went to security twice.   My  mom  got embarrassed,  It did not help that my  mom   had to get padded down  because  the machine kept going off which  freaked me out .    We  made it to the gate as the plane was  taking off.

      Today I  feel soo sad and  ashamed of myself.    Everyone has been so  supportive  and   I  got to  Facebook some of the girls  who are on the youth summit on Thursday    I  can not believe that   I did not get on the plane.    When  I woke up today    and   knew that today  was  Saturday  and not another Friday   I  was  soo  angry  because  I  was supposed to   be  in  Long Beach, yet I missed my plane.    I wish  I could have a do over day.
  I hate  OCD 

1 comment:

  1. But it takes alot of courage to write about it. A do-over day would be great...!!!!


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