
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Its about time


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    That   the government intervine and encourage  schools to  include students with disabilities    Growing up that was  what I  wanted.  I   remember  watching  Air Bud  and   making up  my mind that  I wanted to play sports  in high school.     I  was able to  partake in  track and  golf  thoughout   my   middle and  high school career   while   doing  team sports with  my church and  Special  Olympics.   I  am  so  glad that other  kids will have a chance to particeapate   in team  sports.   

  I  know  its   a  recommendation  so i  hope  that  schools will  actually  fallow  trough  and   give   more student  athletes  a  chance to be on the school team  because  if they  do  then   student atheltes   will    receive  some  benefits  such  as.

 Eating   right and excersing are key  to living an  healthy lifestyle
      Developing   Healthy Life styles .

           I have been  watching the  Biggest Loser this season in which  they are   tackling  childhood  obesity by having  three  kid  ambassador.   Something  they   have said is  exercise  for  kids should be  fun activity.      Kids with  disabilities are more likely to be overweight than  average  kids  partly  because  their are not a ton  of avenues  for  kids to   play hopefully  now they  will  be.
Part of the  recommendation  is  that  additional teams be made if   programs can not accommodate  student athletes so  wheelchair basketball  teams could  start up with in  school distrcts 
        Physical  therapy

  Some  kids  with disabilities    have a difficult  time moving around.   I  used to have bad balance as a  toddler  and   my  parents   took me  to the park to help me learn how to move my  body.   As  I  got older sports  gave me incentives  to work  on  balance  and  conation   while  having fun.

 None of these sports all off limits   anymore 

 Social  Skills 

     Kids with  disabilities  can  have  a hard time making friends   so having them in a social environment allows them  to interact with others  who  have similar interest hopefully  this   will  lead kids to  form authentic  friendships.  
 Self Esteem is  a good thing for everyone to have 

  Self  Esteem  
 When kids are able  to   do something their  passonate about  and  be  recognized in their school  community  for doing it  their self  esteem will  rise dramatically  I loved   wearing  my  golf sweat shirt   to school   it made  me feel  like  I was a part of the team.  I  also got to be in the yearbook  along with all the other  girls on the  team.

  Sponge bob thinks all kids should  have fun  
        Lers  face it  kids with disabilities  have extra huddles  growing up. whether it be  walking  talking learning  or a combination of these  thing .There are  hours  of  therapy  and extra  practice that  kids  have  to do .   On top of all of  they are just kids who   deserve the same  found memories of childhood  as   any other kid. They deserve to  play  for the sake of  playing  and that is why  I  hope that every school  district opens  the door  for   these  student athletes  to  participate alongside their  peers.


  Got pictures from

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