
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Everyone loves Max

 This blogger does not  need  much introduction she is big in the special needs blog  community .  Her name is   Ellen  and her son  name is Max.   Ellen writes at  Love that Max, which is easy to do because he has a great personality, and  she is blogging for me   today   Here is Ellen and  one of her Amazing  kids  She  also has a daughter  named Sabrina   who is also amazing,  Max.
 Do you know someone with Cerebral Palsy?   
Oh, yes: My son, Max, who's 10. He rocks.

Have they changed  you somehow?  
I think parenthood generally changes you as a person. But Max has been eye-opening and life-changing in many other ways. Before I had Max, I nee knew anyone with cerebral palsy, and wasn't close to anyone who had special needs. Mostly, I pitied them. Then I had Max. He had a stroke at birth and doctors told us the worst-case scenarios about him—that he may never walk or talk, that he could have severe cognitive impairment. I was pretty devastated. But what they didn't know was that Max had supersonic determination, and that luck was on our side, too. Max command-crawled at age 2 and walked at 3. Today, he is able to articulate words and use his iPad to communicate. He rides a bike. He has a great life. Max has shown me the amazing powers of human will. He has shown me that no matter what people say, you CAN achieve.

 Whats  one thing you wish  that everyone knew about them?     
I wish people understood that children with cerebral palsy should not be pitied. No matter what their physical impairments, in many ways they are like any other kid and deserve to be treated as such.

How  are they  awesome?  
Max is bright, funny, determined, curious, charming, perceptive and ultra-cute. Also: He has great hair.

Thanks Ellen  Got  stories     its not too late to submit them  for more information click here 

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