
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Its Supper C and W

This is the first story that I  have for CP awareness  month it. It is so cool because I  just met this blogger  through   email with their story and blog post.  C and W are Ail's sons  she blogs at Super Mario  Twins. I love   supper Mario  and all nintendo games  so  needless to say I   love the blog title.
 Here  is Ali's story.

 These guys are soo cute  used with  permission  

My name is Ali and I'm the mom to twin boys, C & W. They were born in June of 2011 at 33 weeks. They spent a couple of weeks in the NICU just for growing and feeding and never had any major issues. When they were about 10 months old, we realized that C still had not met some basic milestones like sitting and rolling. After an evaluation by the infants and toddlers program and then a neurologist we found out that C has cerebral palsy. He has spastic diplegia and struggles with his gross motor skills. It's been almost a year since we've received the diagnosis and C receives lots of physical and occupational therapy. He has been making wonderful progress and can now roll, sit, crawl and even pull to stand! He's able to walk around with our help or with the assistance of a walker. He has always been our sweet and smiley little boy who is the absolute best cuddler in the whole world. A snuggle from C will truly make your day! I really admire his spirit and laid back attitude. He's really developed a sense of independence now that he can crawl all around. When we first found out about his CP, I felt very sorry for myself and sorry for C because I knew he'd have to work so hard to do simple things that come naturally to others, but now I'm just so proud of the little boy that he's becoming and all that he's been able to accomplish already. He inspires me to push myself and do hard things. We love both he and his brother so much and there's not a thing I would change about our family since being a special needs parent has made me such a better person. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my story with you, AZ! 

Thanks Ali  for sharking your story with me  look forward to reading your blog

 have a story about someone with CP send it to me and  it will be posted this month 

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