
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party 2014 Day 2: In the Hospital

 Day  two
                 Today's  photos  will be    from the  hospital.  I was  born  prematurely and had to spend   a couple of  days in the hospital.   As  a infant I  had  trouble  sucking.  Initially , I  had to have a  tube   put  through my mouth  into my stomach.  Eventually  I learned how to  eat and was able  to  go home but my  parents  have  told me that   feedings took a long time.

   My  mom  loved  me  right  from the start 

 Sleeping Beauty 

Today  I am  really  tall and love to  eat and  drink.   My  diet  is  pretty  restrictive  but that is choice   not  CP.

  Things  I love to  eat


 Mac n  cheese

      Meatball  and  Turkey
        Egg  Salad


  Cheeseburger ( especially  from  In N  Out.

 Spaghetti and  Meat balls

  Pesto  pasta
Drinks  I like
  orange  juice
   Orange Soda
' Fruit  Punch

      Yeah   I   know  I need  to  make better food choices.  I  do like    berries  though.  you  got to start somewhere.

  Until  Tomorrow

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