
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 8 : Brining out the Marshmellows

  So todays post is going to be long but it is  going to be helpful.

 The biggest  way that  my Cerebral Palsy affects me is speech.   I understand the world  around me but   when  I try to speak the words do not come out clear. My  arch nemesis is the evil  K.

 For a longtime  I could not say the /k/ sound among other sounds.   I have a /k/ sound in my name which  would lead me to mispronounce my name. So "cookie" sounded a lot like  "tootie".

  A  great way  for others to understand  whats its like  for me to talk is to take marshmallows and  without swallowing them  try to talk.  For  preschool and kindergaten kids.    Have them  sing a song that they know like   Old McDonald had a farm while having marshmallows in there mouth.

  If they are  older you can take it a step forward.

1 Line up outside the door.
2  one by one enter the  classroom and  given a card with a single word.
3  Sit  down  quietly  Don't  Talk
4 once  everyone has a word  hand out marshmallows  try to  have students rearrange  themselves in ABC  order with these rules.

       They  can not use hand gestures.
       they  can only say there word that is on their flashcard aka no sentences.
         They can swallow there marshmallows
  Explain that this is what  some people with CP experience everyday. The  pain the frustration the inability to communicate 

  I  did  the ABC order  activity in a linguistics  class.   The students learned a ton.  One told me that  if she  ever has students, she wants to be an elementary school  teacher,  with a  speech impairment they are going to bring out the marshmallows.

 got  images  from

 letter K

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