
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Inclusion matters because __________________

  Hay  guys  so this week is Inclusive Schools Week

  I  asked  people to  fill in the blank with their own words.
                          Inclusion matter because ____________________________.

  Here  is  what   Parents that have children with disabilities    said.

lusion matters because my daughter is no less of a person than yours.

 Inclusion matters because disability is a normal part of life.

" Inclusion matters because [its the] same age kids just different rates of learning! Enriches everyone's lives!" (added  to make  the sentience flow better )

"Inclusion matters because everyone needs to feel like they fit in somewhere."

"Inclusion matters because it works!"
" Inclusion matters because [its the] same age kids just different rates of learning! Enriches everyone's lives!" (added  to make  sense )
"Inclusion matters because it enriches everyones life."
It matters because it allows everyone to have the chance to become the people they are meant to be. Because each of us are divine and sacred and with inclusion we send that message.

 Inclusion matters because  it means we are all equal 
Inclusion matters because disabilities are part of the human experience. We all have different abilities, strengths, weaknesses. Inclusion matters because we teach all students that we need to embrace and accept all people no matter their differences, and that when we all work together, we all benefit from the experience. Inclusive schools foster the building of an inclusive society.

 Inclusion matters because   everyone wants to be included

Inclusion matters because my daughter is no less of a person than yours.

 Inclusion matters because disability is a normal part of life.

" Inclusion matters because [its the] same age kids just different rates of learning! Enriches everyone's lives!" (added  to make  the sentience flow better )

I asked  people I know  and  this is  what they said 

 A local mom who has a child  with CP said

Inclusion matters because we all have to live in this world together, the earlier everyone learns that the better

 An Author who wrote a book about inclusion said.

 Inclusion matters because we all live together, work together and play together. We don't have special towns, special there should be no special education. Only services." The author of Who's the Slow Learner who I met this past March.  

My Uncle , says.

"Inclusion matters because humans are not solitary animals. The need for togetherness is strong in our species."


My  second grade   teacher says

"Inclusion matters because all individuals disabled or not,should be entitled to equal opportunity, choice and equal access to education, and community resources."

What I Say

Inclusion matters because separate is not equal. We all only have one life so its important to make the most out of it. Inclusion allows people with disabilities a chance to have memories. As I look back on my school years, my favorite memories happened alongside peers. I enjoyed going on field trips in elementary school. I enjoyed science experiments in high school. I went to prom. I learned about our countries history. I wrote stories. In short I had a childhood similar to those in my town. Inclusion also matters because it means that future generations may not be as ablest as previous generations and it gives me confidence to explore my community on my own because although I may be different , I have been taught that this is much my world as an able bodied person.

Pleas note if your child's photo is up here it is because someone gave me their photo to =use if you want it taken down let me know asap by leaving a comment or emailing me at


  1. This is such a great post AZ!! I honestly got chills reading the different entries and applaud your advocacy skills!


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