
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 17 : Gifts


 What is  a birthday  party  without  gifts.

 Today's  post will be a guest post.   I  asked people with CP in a facebook group that I am in to    tell me what   are some  gifts  that have been   given  to you because of CP.

This is what  other people  said.

"A more open mind to race gender sexual orientation social and economic inequality."

"A better understanding of social issues, I suppose."

"a sense of humor. 

"All of the above"


Creative problem-solving skills.

It's hard for me to pick out specific gifts because cp has impacted so much in my life mostly in a positive way. Nothing about me would be the same without cp, that includes my gifts. I guess the greatest gifts I have because of my cp is the ability to use my experiences as a disabled person to help others with disabilities, especially children with disabilities.

Please  be sure to wear  green tomorrow for   CP  Day .    Here is a video that I was a part of.

 See you tomarrow and do not forget to go green,

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