
Friday, October 16, 2015

31 for 21 Day 16 : Memories from first grade

     In First grade I remember.

    Learning about the contents and  dinosaurs.

  Falling and hitting my head  three times in the same sport.

           I fell and hit my  head  playing with my siblings  in the play room.  I  remember  going to  the downstairs  bathroom  being all bloody. It was not a present site.

        I fell at school.

      I also fell  when book girl pushed a toy  shopping cart with me riding on top.  That was not a good  idea.

        Today  I have a scar on my forehead from where that happen.

   My class got chicken pox. I got the shot but the next day  I went into school  and my teacher  told me to go to the office because I actually had  the Chicken Pox.

      I  remember  getting  tested for NLD. I did not understand that I  had it until ninth  grade.

             I was  very close to my first grade teacher.  My  mother always  reminds me of this  by saying that first grade was the year I sat on my  teacher's lap.      I do have memories of  not sitting on her lap but   I think it happened more times then not.     I also  remember
  being sat down and  told I had CP, so  maybe that was part of it I am not sure.    I had behavior problems and was labeled  the bad kid.     This was the last year   that I  attended  that school.    From then on I attended  public school.  Academically that was the right choice  socially well you  will have to  see   in my  next post.

    Past posts  about first grade


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