
Monday, March 7, 2016

Cerebral Palsy Party 2016 : Friendship

  Hi  guys,

 Today I am  going to talk about friends,  I have mentioned earlier but it is fine time to post an update.  A lot  of things have changed since I last blogged about this.

   You may remember that  I used to go to a school that wasn't inclusive.  It was a private university.   What you may not have known is that I made great friendships there.  One of them was a  biology student.  In fact one of the two reasons , the other being my mother, why I went back in the fall  of 2015, was to be around   this guy.   He is that awesome.  He wants to be a doctor and I think he will be the best doctor in the world, he is smart caring and does not judge .    He graduated last year, and will be applying to medical school next year.    But in the meantime he will be spending some time helping  disabled kids and endangered animals in  South America for a few  months .   He leaves  tonight.   On the  last day  before  he heads to the airport, he  spent some time with me.  So  yes   he truly is a friend.
                     I think the key to a friendships is that we are   equal.  He  helps me  if  I need help, but  I do my part to help him as well.   For example ,  he  may drive me to a restaurant, but I  pay for the  meal.   He listened  to me when  I was having difficulty at my school, and I listen to him as  he has problems.   I am so  glad that I have a friend in him.  I will miss him and eagerly await his  return in May.

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