
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Cerebral Palsy Party What inclusion look like


 Hi guys today  is  #whatinclusionlookslike twitter chat today.  2pm so I thought I'd show you /tell you.

 Inclusion is having parents read your bedtime stories  and expose you to books about different cultures  and  races.  Inclusion is   knowing that  college is  expected of you when you graduate high school

Inclusion  means  having access  to the playroom at the same  time as your siblings. 

Inclusion is  playing  sports on traditional recreation leagues

And playing Piano (or doing whatever  after school activities  that  you / parents want not just the things for kids with disabilities  

 Inclusion is  about going on field trips with your class because   you are just another student  

 Inclusion is about knowing your siblings friends   because  you go to school with them. 

 Its being able to play sports on the same team as your siblings 

  Its about being on the School team ( even if its just a practice team)

 Or  Being a Team Manager 

 Its about going to  your high school's Senior Prom with a date.   

Its about being   a leader and educating others about  things you care about .  I founded a Disability Awareness Club back in high school.

 Its about having  General Education Professors be friending  you to the point where they find some Green to wear on World Cerebral  Palsy  Day  then wanting to take a picture to  put on their Instragram 

 So to rap it up 

  Inclusion is 




AZ CHAPMAN IS A College Senior with Cerebral Palsy,  Non -Verbal Learning Disorder and Anxiety.  She has   been blogging  on blogspot since 2007.  She loves  sports advocating for inclusion  and   Nintendo Games. 

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