
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Palsy Party 2016 Day Seven :General Education Physical Education


     I am a big believer in  inclusive  education, I am a die hard inclusion fan for life, This will never change.

         In  Academic classes  I can pretty much keep up. I can go to class  sit down and learn. I can write papers and take tests without modifications.  I have never need modifications  throughout my school  life .  My  IEP  gave me accommodations and speech therapy.
 Art Class 2010

 When it came time for  recreational classes  art and  PE, things looked a lot different.  In high school  I took a ceramics class.  I needed a lot of  help  because of my fine motor difficulties.  I enjoyed  painting  my pieces and still have a bunch of my   work from that class.

   Now  I am a college senior. When  I went to a consular they  told me  I needed two more units of PE.  Ok  no problem.  I am a big sports fan and my CP  is very mild,  I  walk without  any adapted equipment.   I took  Yoga  last  semester  and  Judo, from a  Jujutsu perspective
  this  past quarter. My last class was last night.

Yoga 2015 
  Now  Yoga was really hard for me.  My CP  though mild is hard has affected my  balance.    I would pose and then fall. I spent a lot of time  laying down in  the pose.  My teacher was nice  but  she couldn't help me one on one because of a big class.   At the  beginning of the semester,   I was  seen as a behavior problem because  I  fell into other students.   In the end I did Yoga in the corner  using a  big gym mat.

  Now  judo this semester was much mo.  The teacher went very fast but was willing to  teach me deferent paces.   A big thing  that made a whole lot of difference was another student.  He works as a PT  aide in a hospital  and knows all about CP.   He was able to break stuff down  and allowed me to learn the moves.   He gave me balance  activities   to do.   I loved working with him.    I wouldn't have been successful without him and am truly sad that  class is over because I do not know when  we will meet up.   We were paired up for the final and  he was able to talk me through the moves.   I got a lot out of that class  because   he was there.  I think  the class would have been more frustrating  if he was not in the class.   He has made all the difference.

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