
Monday, October 3, 2016

People like me on TV

      Hay guys. I am sure that most of you know about the new ABC show called Speechless. Its a American sitcom about a family of five. The mother, played by Mimi Driver,  is a fierce advocate for her son JJ because he has a Cerebral Palsy. JJ is played by Micah Flower who himself  has Cerebral Palsy. This almost never happens.  There have been two episodes so far and while I have a milder form of Cerebral Palsy  there are still things that I can relate to.  I am going to be blogging about them  every Thursday but since I am down two episodes I am going to use today and tomorrow  to blog about it.

 Zack Anner has talked about how mothers that have disabled children fight for their kids, so I am going to say that my mom has always been my best advocate too. She fought for me to have a college education.

The thing I  want to talk about is how people talk down to the disabled.   This happens twice in the episode.  Once where  their in a parking lot and people are mocking him and the other time is when JJ enters class.

  This has become a big issue for me recently. I was hoping once I graduated from college that I would not have to face this.  I was just recently at a  disability conference where people  taught that I did not know how to read. This is extremely frustrating to me and makes me angry.  What able bodied people can do about it is  assume that a disabled person understands what is going on.   For me I am trying to work on a way to handle this.

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