Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Recycle post. My grandfather passed away three years ago today

     This is a recycled post because  my grandfather passed away three years  ago today

 Today is a really  hard day for me to blog about.   For those  long time readers, you guys know that two  years ago  I lost my grandfather.   Here are a few things you should know about my  grandfather.

1  My grandfather loved old cars.  He kept an assortment of old cars. To this day  there are still  old cars   at my  grandparents home.  He loved to fix them up.  He gave my brother one of his cars  for his 16th  birthday.

2  My  grandfather loved  my  grandmother.    They were together for a long time,   The  raised  six  kids  together. They  may have gotten  in  fights but they always made up

3 My  grandfather  was an extremely hard  worker.   He  had to quit school to help his family when his father died  when he was a young boy.

4  My  grandfather  valued education.   Four out of his six kids  went to college.  One of my aunts   owned her own business.  My other aunt  works  for state farm,  My mother became the first   Black  vice chancellor  at UCSF. 

5  My grandfather  was in the Army  when it became integrated .  It  was a hard  time but he  had an excellent work ethic,

6  The day after my  Grandfather passed a peacock  came  to visit my grandparent's house.   Ever since  Peacocks have been very important to my  family.

7  I wish   he would have been here to watch me graduate college, move out and  have kids.

8  I wish I could be able to have my mom  talk to him  in heaven.

9  I  wish he could have been here to   hear about  my Princess  trip to Italy when she gets back  in December.

10   I  miss hearing his voice.

 Love you grandpa  

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