
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My abilities abc style

This post was inspired by this post from   Ellen  who  blogs  at  Love That  Max in the post Ellen ,who was sharing stories about the 2011 special Olympic world summer game said Special Olympic is great because it is about abilities not disabilities I agree so much that I am going to post my abilities abc style

A I can get an  advocate for people with disables
B I can be beautiful
C I can catch a ball
D I can dance
E I can explore
F I can have fun
G I can go golfing
H I can hold a baby
I I can invite people to hang out with me
J I can jump high
K I can  kick  a ball  
L I can get licked by my dog
M I can make a movie
N I can be nice
O I can overcome  obstacles
P I can be proud of my work
Q I can be quick
R I can  raise money for a cause I believe in
S can swim and ski
T I can text people
U  I  can  understand   things 
V I    can    play   video games
W  I  can  run  really fast in the water 
X I  can sign  my name on the  X
Y  I  can   yack  people's heads off 
 Z  I can  takes  some  Z's

  What  can    your child  do ?  how  about  you  leave a comment  and  or  post about it and let me know  if  i  get  enough  pictures      I might make a  short   video  montage  

 Ps in case  you missed  it    a  look at the  2011 world Summer Games


  1. I am so glad you are blogging and I can read what you write! About siblings . . . . you might want to go see this site .... is Beth's sister from Adventures with Beth blog. I also like all your links down the side to other interesting blogs!

  2. Awesome post! sometimes we forget to talk about our abilities...and you have some good ones :)


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