
Monday, August 1, 2011


    Two  days ago my   sister  book gal  left  for   collage.  For those of you  that do not know  Book gal is going to  UMass Boston to play on the volleyball team.    She  left  early Saturday morning  and   my mom is  still  with her   getting her  ready to move into her dorm .

  I  have    mixed emotions about  her  leaving  . I  mean    we  go back   18 years  and a few  months.  I have  seen her   mostly  every day  of her life  and  now she is     across the country from  the family.  I am  excited that  she  is  going to continue her education while  staying  fit and  get to explore  a new  city  new  people  and new experiences. I am  sad  that   she is not here  anymore  every day  and   can not hang out with me  but    I  am pretty sure  I will  see  her   for Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

    I am also  reminded  that     my middle sister and  I  have  different skill sets.    I should have  moved out  to go to collage  this  past  year  and   my parents  should  had  helped  me moved  out.     Its  as  if  Book  gal is the "oldest"  out of   the girls  and   I am the youngest.   Book gal did not have to move out to prove that though   when we are  all at home  I need  the most help to   house hold  tasks  such as  doing my hair  and cooking   I  have yet to learn to drive    and  my siblings  have .    They let me tag along with their friends   Its  just a different   life   and  even though  I  got to experience many  numerical firsts    ie   first to  graduate  high school  first   to  turn 13  the big things   my two sisters  get to experience.   I   think it  must be  hard on them to have  to  be the  oldest  to me  but that is  what the  cards.

                 For those of you that have   childern  Have you  seen  this  with your kids?

  For  people  with disabilities   How  has  sibling relationships  worked in your homes?

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