
Monday, October 24, 2011

Bridge School Benifit Concert

  Over the  weekend  my  parents and  i  went to the Bridge  School  Benefit Concert.   It was    quite the experience. 

  The Bridge  School  is a school  for  kids   pre preschoolers though  middle schoolers  with severe disabilities.  These   students  may be   vary  smart but   they need help   to  express themselves.  I am  friends with a mom  of  a son  with CP  who  goes  there.      I did not go to  Bridge  because I   have  mild CP.    I had  begged and begged my mom  to go  and we got the tickets on the  lawn. We  naively thought that would be ok.   

  It was not. When we  got there,  about an  hour into the show, we went to    the lawn; it was  packed.   There was no  room to sit on the grass  to watch  the music  we went so far up that we could not   see the stage and   I could not see the  projector.    I turned  to my mom  and   said we  could  go home.   My sensory  stuff was not  going  well and  I do not mean the noise.   It smelled horrible   from  smoke and other  drugs.
  My  mom  took  me back to the   bottom of the hill  where  there were all these booths  for food.    I wanted  to  get   a t shirt so  we  stood in line  for  one.     I have  a ATM card   so  I had to sign   my name.  The lady  helping  me says,


   The  irony of that statement  is that I have CP and NLD aka   poor  find motor control. That gave my  mom  a chuckle.  I  took it as a compliment but I laughed to.

   We then proceed to the parent  booth where I met   the  twins  of the lady  who  i knew from face book. ( They really should start playing it's  a small world  now).   we then found some picnic tables and waited for my dad who   stayed up on the lawn.

   While we were  waiting  I got   a churro, and my dad brought back some garlic fries  while we listened  to Carlos Santana shortly  thereafter we left.

 My thoughts   I   really liked the cause it was  going  to  but disliked all the  drugs.    Next Year I  think  I will go to the dinner party  and   try to reserve seats   near the stage.  I  really like  watching  the news reports that the school  i  watch them  often enough that I can match  names and faces.  I hope  I can meet all the kids sometimes  or   whose knows maybe  I will work there down the line  only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Hi AZ.

    Wow: 25 years of the Bridge School!

    I don't think I would like the drugs either. They do seem to be part of a lot of music festivals/benefit concerts.

    In the 1990s glowsticks became really big.

    "The nicest handwriting I've seen all night".

    Listening to the It's a small world tune.

    Hope you do work at Bridge or have some connection there. It seems to be a wonderful community place.

    (especially the transition and outreach functions of the organisation).

    (Are they the sorts of places where every day is an open day? What about an internship for your course?)


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