
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learning to read part three My least favorite sound

   I was recently asked  what my  least favorite  letter/ sound  is  and after  much thought i  think it is C

 I  have been  working on C   for a long  time.     It  has been  hard   work  and  i have memories of trying to say  Car  cat cookie    instead of  Tar tat  tootie.  

 Do not be fooled by the Graphic "c" is  a hard soud

 I  remember in  K  my teacher  had this  phonics book  of  letters in the alphabet.  I was  in a mainstremed class    and   I  remember  her introducing the  C book and  explaining  the  sound and adding    you  should be able to  say it.  I remember asking her why  I could not  say  C and  being  told  I was different/ I know  i owe you  guys   my inclusion story  and  i  will get to it. In the mean time  tomorrow's post will b about the concert I  went to   so stick  around.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to read about the concert you went to, AZ.

    And I can see why it might be your least favourite, because it looks and sounds so different in different contexts.

    Is "c" the voice pair to "t"?


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