
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Recycle post Forever Kids

   I posted this last october   tonight i am  going to a concert so stick around  for new  post  later

 I am  19 years old.  With me  being an American  i am  considered  an  adult? or am I?   

kid or adult  you decide
Now  if  I did not  have any disabilities   the  answer  would be  at   yes  I am an adult    no questions  asked.  But add a disability  in there and  the     word  changes  back to  kid.   As of now this does not bother  me as i  miss high school   and  do a lot of things  like a kid ie live at home   do not drive   mom and dad  give me chores  and the like.      I do not think the word adult will scare  me though and I think  I will  take more  offense  to the word kid  more and  more with wisdom and   time   after high school.

   now  lets  talk about other with  intellectual  disabilities  it  may  be  me  or is it  that people will often  refer to them  as  kids  not  meaning  any harm.   It is  so much  better than the R word   for sure.  But  to say  they  are  kids.  I am  not sure about this so  i will look up   Adults in the   dictionary  this  is from  Dictionary .com

a person who is fully grown or developed or of age.
a full-grown animal or plant.
a person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law.
me  in Las Vegas summer 2005   age 13
 There  is no  mentioning  of intellectual abilities  or  going  off  to  work  or completing  collage  or any of that  so why should  people with disabilities be called kids  is it hard and  some times  it seem like they are children  ?  Sometimes   there are  people  I know  with disabilities  who  fit  this .  But  they are adults   in age.  They   can  vote   ( provided there in  a Democratic society)  can  work   and  do leave high school.   Disabilities   should not  hinder   the word adult being   associated with them.   We  may need help  flinging  adult  roles and  living on our own.  But  the definition does not   state that does it?

  The  reason why I  bring  this up is   from my history  lessons  and family stories. You know like how white used to do it to blacks   back before the civil rights movement  when  white addressed  blacks  as  boy, or girl  and    blacks had  to address   white adults   as  sir  or  mam.   Just a  thought  most of  you  reading this  have disabled  youngsters  so you  probably do not have to  worry about this  yet What do  you think?

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