
Thursday, December 1, 2011


So   I was  working with boy on a film project.  It is all about  zombies.  In the film  there is a voice over.    I thought  because of the voice over was   the host   who  asked an  question then  answered it  I   thought it be better to have a different   voice   and scene no one was there I  volunteered.   I used Audacity to  record  it but he  thought we  needed  a ' normal  voice aka  not  A  Cerebral Palsy  voice,

  In  class  that day   I  told my  suggestion and the teacher  agreed  but said maybe I could do the lines on  camera. Now let me tell you about this teacher,  They do voice over for a living. They  can do cool things  with  there voice and  have done numerous  voice  over,  Now  for me    with me speaking  gibberish and  all  I get jealous really  jealous.  I  wish  I  could speak as well as they do. 

     Our  film class  is not  specific   special need class, yet for some strange reason we have a  bunch of students with  disabilities. Some of my fellow classmates  are  on the Autism   Spectrum disorder  some have  learning differences  and  one  has Down Syndrome, she is  a funny one  in class and   both  the student and this professor get along  really well.

  Then  there's  me     

    Me  with some  video class  last semester February  2011

  back to the  class.  The  teacher was  talking about  next week.  Now  this  is a media class  so we do not have class every week.   So  I asked  her  something along the lines of   do we  have  a mandatory class next week? 

She did not know what I was saying   none of the other students  knew what I was  saying.    Its  like  running into  a  invisible wall and not  being able to  figure out  whats  blocking it.   I  deiced to leave the class room  cool off and try again.   I talk to the teacher does not   get  it  right away. When she finally  gets it  I say finally  and  she  heard me  correctly and walked off. She thought I was being disrespectful. I was  saying  Finally for me  not  for her

     I  have  been  in school  since August and  the teacher still has a  hard time understanding me.    Yes  I have  CP    NO  it is not her  fault but there  comes a time  when I  know  someone a while  I  kinda hope   I can be  understood.  I  i am looking ahead  to next semester where  I have a professor  who  understands me a little better.  

     If  my  professor  actually end up reading this  ( or anyone dealing with  CP) 

 Understand that   I  want to be able to  speak  clearly
 Not   your  fault  nor  is it mine 
Once  I  get the message  across  I  feel  better  and   may say finally   it is not meant to  be sarcastic.  In  fact if  I   offer to help me  say it  clearly its  in the  moment  Speech  Theaphy.

 This is the first  post  apart of  CP  connection go here to find  out more about  CP and tune   in for the next blog post 
Stumbo Family Story


  1. Hi AZ.

    CP Connection is a great project, as your movie will be.

    So this teacher is a voice-over extraordinaire?

    Does she expect you all to be on top of your schedules without any questions?

    Four months is not a lot of time for me to get used to an unfamiliar voice.

    Seems like a great class!

  2. What a great thought for me to consider, not only for my daughter, but for other young adults with special needs.
    Even with my 4 year old I see the frustration of not being understood. I can only imagine what it will be like when she is older.
    You seem so gracious. I would love to hear more about this though, how does it make you feel? What would be helpful, from someone like me if I could not understand you?

  3. I think not being able to speak clearly would be so hard. Scratch that! I KNOW not being able to speak clearly is so hard! My mouth is small, I have above-average hearing and when I remember to elevate my voice, I tend to sound annoyed even when I'm not. These facts combined make it very difficult for most people to hear and understand me when I speak. People often ask me to repeat things, which is irritating for all of us. So I feel your frustration!


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