
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Turning pain into power

 The  Saga  continues  read part one  before    this  part  

 So  today  I left my   History of Western Civ  class   as we were taking role.    I was not  feeling like  I should stay in college.    I mean  if  I can not  order a cheeseburger  how  I am I  going to  get a job  teaching .  I went to visit some of my  professors that  I have had   over the  years . (  Math   BIo  and  tried to  talk to my American Lit teacher  from  last semester but she was not there .      I also went to  DSPS and talked to them,   I   talked to  Ms, Super, not  real  name,   who  has  helped  me  for the past three years ,  and    Consular   J   who   has   also  helped me all three  year  I toldl  them  I wanted to drop out of school  because of the incident.

       My thinking was if I can not  get a good  job   because of  my  disabilities. Why  stay  in  college and  try to be intellecual   when  everyone thinks  i am  dumb  , or  worse , but  that   is  later   I  should be trying to  find a job now that  will  last me  the rest of my life  like    bagging  or something  else.

 Well  they  said  I had  to promise them to   wait til  monday   before dropping classes.

 Well  I  went to my  bio teacher and he   found this video  on  youtube so  that was  making me feel  better


 i  resolved to  confront   A  about the   incident.

So  A  says  ,"  I   am sorry  if you felt that  way   I thought it was cute that you wanted to make sure you  had  your cheese."

AZ:Cute  I am  21 years  old  I am not  cute.

  AZ thinking back on it :  I  am not  cute because  I was trying to communicate . I looked  to  make sure  because  I have  a speech  problem  and wanted to make sure it was done  right   oh  but  it gets  worse

  A :   Well   we don't see you  like that we see you  as a little princess  a little  girl.

  So  I went to  talk to the president and instead found an assistant  who gave me    the contact information for   the head  of the food court  and   we are  having a meeting    tomorrow  in  DSPS with  Ms, Super  I hope all  goes well.


  1. I'm just getting caught up on my blog reading after vacation, and read your last post and this one. Good for you for finding your strength and confronting this person.

    Please don't give up on your education because your speech is hard to understand. You are smart, funny, and have so much to offer the world. I know you will get through this.

  2. You are awesome! I love that you have the courage to stand up for yourself. Keep at it; I have faith in you, and by speaking up, you are advocating not only for yourself but also for others with disabilities.

    For what it's worth, to me, you are not a little princess or a little girl; you are an amazing individual with your whole life in front of you, and the name of your blog is perfect because you ARE amazing. Never forget that. :)


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